Holistic Tips

How to take garlic for a strong immune system

Did you know that garlic water is one of the most effective ways to boost your immune system?

Garlic water becomes the best alternative and easiest way to gain all the benefits of this powerful food without eating garlic cloves.

Our bodies easily and quickly absorb the wonderful nutrients of garlic-infused water. You can drink it at night before bed and after 1 month you will feel the consistent strengthening of your immune system.

Less coughs, less colds and less viral diseases.

While there is so much information about eating raw cloves of garlic for good health, the truth is that few people are prone to do this.

Because living in society and working with colleagues (when we are not social distancing) means being mindful of how we impact others. Body odour and a bad breath cause discomfort and alienation.

Due to its strong taste and smell, anyone would be least inclined to eat garlic cloves alongside their breakfast. Which is rather unfortunate as health experts advise to eat garlic cloves in the morning. Nevertheless it remains quite an unwelcome thought for many of us.

Which is why garlic-infused water three hours away from your evening meal becomes the best alternative possible.

So here goes a simple yet super effective remedy.

How to prepare garlic-infused water

One quick and easy recipe suggests the following:

  1. Prepare one peeled clove of garlic, cut it in half and place it in a litre glass or porcelain jug. Fill it with water at room temperature
  2. In the evening, three hours after your last meal and before going to bed, drink two to three glasses of the nutrient rich garlic water
  3. Repeat this process daily with a fresh clove of garlic
  4. Continue for one month during which specific immunity to the virus will develop.

The taste is actually not that bad as one might expect. The water tastes soft and soothing, and you can feel its purifying and cleansing effect in your whole system.

But what does garlic actually do?

The benefits are so wide it would take too long to describe it all here. So let’s look at garlic’s top benefits for immune function.

A 2015 medical study showed that garlic enhances the functioning of the immune system by stimulating certain cell types. These include macrophages, lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells – among others.

These are well knows cells that function against a wide variety of infections and cancers.

Not only does garlic promote optimum function in the immune system, it also acts as an immunomodulator.

This means that it can maintain homeostasis – or balance – in the immune system.

This is important because an unregulated immune system plays an important role in the development and progress of several diseases.

The study found that garlic extracts and compounds contributed to the treatment and prevention of conditions such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disorders, gastric ulcers, and even cancer.

In short garlic effectively appears to neutralises any immune dysfunction. But this is not new.

For centuries garlic has been used as a prevention measure because of its powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial action.

According to this article the ancient Egyptians also used garlic to develop a strong immune system to build the Great Pyramid of Cheops .

During the times of pyramid building, this advanced civilization realised it could not afford pandemics. And in major construction sites of course this could be a major risk factor.

Workers with illnesses could delay the 20 year scheduled building timeline with an impact on lives and the economy. To safeguard their workers, governors fed them garlic, leeks and radishes to keep their immune system in optimum health.

The article states that surviving manuscripts include references to around 800 remedies, 22 of which were based on garlic.

It is clear that the benefits of garlic on human health was already well-known in those days.

What homeopaths say: antiviral therapy starts in the gut

Homeopathic practitioners work on having a good gut flora to promote a strong immune system. Especially when it comes to lung-inflammation.

Effectively in homeopathy lung function performance is linked to the gut. This means that by ‘protecting’ one organ, you automatically ‘protect’ the other.

Medical doctors have also researched this. The article above also states that 80% of the entire immune system is concentrated in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine.

This is known as lymphoid tissue and its accumulations as Peyer’s patches. Lymphoid tissue produces antibodies as well as various types of immunoglobulins.

To promote organ health, these antibodies use the lymphatic system to enter the inferior vena cava towards the heart. They then pass through the pulmonary circulation giving our lungs all the antibodies they require.

These antibodies are then passed into the systemic blood circulation which carries them throughout the body.

This process strengthens tissue immunity including that of the lungs.

Often viruses enter our body through our intestines together with the food we eat. It attacks the lymphoid tissue, which causes the gut tissue to stop producing lymphocytes and immunoglobulins.

This affects the immune system as a whole and therefore also weakens lung tissue immunity.

Once the lung tissue is unprotected, it becomes more susceptible to viruses. This can lead to severe forms of lung issues such as pneumonia.

Therefore if we want to protect our organs holistically from viral, fungal and bacterial infections, the best place to start are the intestines.

Fungal infections in the organs sometimes go unnoticed or are hard to find.

A biophotonic scan can screen the organs and pick up the presence of fungus and bacteria. The gut is one of the primary indicators of a person’s overall health.

It is a good idea to keep our gut health in check. Otherwise it is only once inflammation develops in our body or skin that one becomes aware of an issue.

Typically it can indicate the presence of fungus, viruses or heavy metals. All of these can be released under the guidance of a therapist with nutrition as well as herbs, minerals and homeopathy.

And now time for some garlic-infused water. Try this and let us know how you feel after one month!

Photos by Gaelle Marcel, dasha blankovaya, Tijana Drndarski and Victor Garcia on Unsplash

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