
Dimensions Aura Sprays – Beyond a Scent

Bottles of Liquid Consciousness

These aura sprays are not just aromatherapy infused sprays.

They energetically enhance the space where they are sprayed and suffuse premium ingredients into your auric field while gently altering your emotional state of being.

A joy to the senses, these bottles also fill your soul with delight so that you gravitate towards sacred sensuality, higher consciousness, good feelings and mellow moods.

I came across them through my very good friend Agata, a fellow intuitive healer who accesses higher dimensions.

She tells me that she channelled these products after a meditation session and it took her two years to formulate.

Agata refers to her Dimension Aura Sprays as Bottles of Liquid Consciousness.

And although there are just five of them, they are more than enough to cater for any part of you life.

Adaptable for both men and women they are: Office, Prayer, She, Lovers and Empower.


Office – Dimensions Aura Spray
Lovers – Dimensions Aura Spray
She – Dimensions Aura Spray
Empower- Dimensions Aura Spray


More than just aura sprays

These aura and room sprays infuse your space with something more than the refined smell of premium essential oils. Which is typically what good quality aura sprays purport to do.

But not all of them do the job.

Instead these sprays shift your state of consciousness through their scent.


Prayer – Dimensions Aura Spray

Formulated with doTERRA essential oils, known for their high grade certification and purity, the sprays also contain the frequencies of precious metals and crystals.

The oils linger for some time in your space, and if you choose to, also on your clothes.

And in doing so they alter your thought patterns. You begin to feel more connected with yourself and in whatever area of your life you seek answers and clarity.

As an intuitive practitioner I am highly sensitive to smell and to any substance which is not of the purest vibration.

It is indeed hard to choose from the array of beautiful smells.

But my very favourite one, which catapulted me into deep feelings of peace when I first tried it, is Prayer.

It brought me to some momentary feeling of connection, like that state of consciousness that you reach in deep meditation, feeling alert yet deeply relaxed.

The spray is like a portable temple. Ideal for a sacred space of ritual, to receive guidance and ideas and for visioning.

Just like you do when you are relaxed and ideas just flow into your mind.

With this spray ask yourself: What is my prayer to the Divine? How can I best create sacred ritual or sacred space in my spiritual life?

Yet there is a bottle for every moment of your day – even for the Office. This spray gives you motivation and vision with an I CAN attitude.



The Office spray also contains a crystal that helps you to connect with you Soul’s race.


What is the work that my soul is here to do? is the question that this spray will help you answer.


Dimensions Aura Spray

This scent gets you onto your highest level work so that you can anchor what you need to bring down to the earth plane.

Meanwhile are you looking to connect with your intuition, being able to receive, feeling embraced in the gentleness of divine feminine energy?

Then She is your go-to spray.

It is not only for women, but for all who wish to connect to the Divine Feminine essence and its archetypes.

If you are wondering How can I connect to the feminine qualities of intuition and less rigidity? this aroma will really help you.

For women this is about you connecting to the version of the woman you want to be, or as Agata puts it “Go to your Soul instead of Vogue.”

Flow, creativity and sensuality are the states of mind this scent helps you to achieve.

Empower instead begs the question – How can I invite empowerment into my life? or

In what area of my life do I need empowerment and what actions can I take?

This is the solar plexus energy that moves you forward and out of feeling stuck.

The Lovers spray is a beautiful gift to the connection between two people. It is rich in aphrodisiacs and asks you to meditate on the consciousness of lovers.

If you are asking yourself How can I heal myself to align to the energy of love? then this one is ideal.

Aside from creating a strong protective shield during intimacy, it safeguards the sacred connection between two people.

Spray it around you and ask it How can I create the most sacred environment for self and consequently love of another?

The shift in your emotions will soon bring you the answer.

The sprays can be purchased through our Shop – go to the front page and see products.

Enjoy your consciousness shift.


Energy Space

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Energy Space

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